Ragana – Desolation’s Flower Review

Creating music as a duo can present a paradoxical dynamic. It can be both easier, as there is only one other person to get in tune with, and more challenging when conflicts do arise, as the intricate interplay between two artistic visions will require a fine balance of compromise and creative synergy. Maria and Coley, the two members of Ragana, take turns on guitar, drums, and vocals, and since 2012 this approach has allowed them to maintain interest with their hybrid of unrefined Black/Doom Metal. Two hearts blast beat as one.

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Tardigrade Inferno – Burn the Circus Review

There are moments of clarity on Burn the Circus that show hints of potential. “Clockwork God”, for example, is an early highlight. Keyboards that sound like circus organs are used heavily, and it works, along with the frankly great riffs present. When Tardigrade Inferno lean into riffwriting, it shows their penchant for writing groovy, fun riffs. But in the end, will we find Cosmo nailed to the Ferris Wheel?

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