Myrkur – Spine Review

The elitist uproar about Myrkur’s debut was intense and a bit ridiculous, as even if the album is bad or not, it did manage to do enough to be called Metal. As in answer to this, Myrkur decided to prove all the naysayers right by transitioning into Folk songs on her subsequent albums. As Spine arrives, we should focus on what is important here: is Spine any good? Or is it spineless?

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Vertebra Atlantis – A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime Review

This year, Gramaglia has released the follow-up Vertebra Atlantis album, A Dialogue With the Eeriest Sublime. Combining harsh, gnarled riffs and hypnotic dreamscapes, this specific blend of Progressive Death Metal may just be his magnum opus. This album is not afraid to show some real backbone, so make sure you don’t leave it at the bottom of the ocean.

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Stortregn – Finitude Review

Stortregn produced my favorite record of 2021. Impermanence stands as what most Tech Death, and even fewer Melodic Death, Metal bands could not achieve—a Progressive album without using any of the tropes of the genre, forming instead full songs of smaller themes and motifs. I couldn’t tell you what the album was about—the cover art displaying Girardi’s patented space-bunghole lost all meaning years ago—but I surely felt it, on an emotional and intellectual level alike. Drink deeply of death metal and cosmic anus.

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