Brian Cook’s bass rumbles intently along in “Yellow Dawn”, Aaron Turner’s howls and screeching guitar solos are caustic, and Nick Yacyshyn’s drums regularly steal the show with powerfully precise hits. Sounds like our alligator is hungry for some SUMAC.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 29
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Octoploid, Vulvodynia, and Nyktophobia, you can do that too! IT’S DEATH METAL WEEK!
Read moreNyktophobia – To The Stars Review
For those who do not know, Nyktophobia means a fear of the dark. I imagine a full quarter of those reading this have started whistling or imitating the air raid siren. Nyktophobia don’t have any particular ties to that sound, but it’s still a good name for them as their fourth album, To The Stars, features a dark and emotional take on melodic death metal.
Read moreVulvodynia – Entabeni Review
Vulvodynia has built a solid following and reputation, proving that slam could be a gateway for bands from second-world nations, and that brutish, hardcore-inspired violence could be a tool for self-actualization. But sometimes knowing yourself isn’t good enough when all you want to do is punch a drummer.
Read moreOctoploid – Beyond the Aeons Review
Somewhere deep in a Finish archipelago on a breezy and mild summer’s day a smorgasbord is taking place. At a wooden table surrounded by many Finns sits a metal loving bat. Looking more closely he has a huge grin on his face as 70s aesthetic sauce is dripping all over his chicken parm sandwich. Will you join him? Is this the sauce of the summer?
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 28
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Black Hole Deity, Diskord / Atvm, and Liminal Shroud, you can do that too!
Read moreLiminal Shroud – Visions of Collapse Review
Peat counts himself an atmoblack fan but at the same time, believes there are a lot of bands that prove the haters right. It’s a tough style to get right. That’s why the intro of Liminal Shroud’s Visions of Collapse filled him with hope and fear at the same time. As the curtain falls, what will your vision be?
Read moreDiskord / Atvm – Bipolarities Review
Atvm and Diskord seem to approach the medium of the split with an awareness of its usual pitfalls. Bipolarities is album length and the title hints at the fact that indeed, this is an album of two distinct halves. One band says they play nice together, and the other claims that the first is lying. What’s a Goat to believe?
Read moreBlack Hole Deity – Profane Geometry Review
A bear is still loose at the Goat Review HQ, it seems to sustain itself on death metal… Hyperdontia didn’t really satiate its hunger though so we threw it some Black Hole Deity.
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