Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Metalligator's Chomping Commentary
For the better part of a decade, Leprous have become something of a parody of themselves. Increasingly pop-leaning and focusing on Einar Solberg’s voice, the band started to leave behind their once progressive writing somewhere between 2015’s The Congregation and 2017’s Malina. But when Melodies of Atonement arrives with an album cover and preview tracks that carry shades of their early work… well the road to atonement is loOOoooOOoooOooong.
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball
Pneuma Hagion are back and they’re meaner than ever. From impressive lyrical content about a tyrant taking control of the known world by force and murdering any dissidents to their empire to earth-shattering riffs and blasts, the most impressive thing about Pneuma Hagion is that it’s just two people. May them blow the winds of tyranny with their crushing riffs.
Bobo's Brainless Bearing
What happens when you promise death/doom but throw some garage stoner to Goat Review’s death metal bear? Will it go down regardless or will the headquarters go up in flames of rage?