Gridlink – Coronet Juniper Review

Our Metalligator says Coronet Juniper is about to punch you in the face. While our Alice says that Coronet Juniper comes out the gates swinging with songs that stand shoulder to shoulder with Longhena’s best. This was never going to be a normal review for our Gridlink hopeful writers, so feast on two different takes of Gridlink’s latest. You’ll be drunk on Grind in no time!

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Wyrgher – Panspermic Warlords Review

Mastered by Greg Chandler (of many projects and mastering jobs), the production quality on this album is fantastic. This is highlighted in songs such as “The Weeping of a Blazing Rock”, “Destroyer of the Promethean Path”, and “Supreme Leader of a Dying Star”. While retaining its own clear identity, this project still manages to sneak in subtle nods to Ungfell/Ateiggär songwriting, especially in “Weeping…” which gets surprisingly bouncy and fun for this style of Black Metal. Imagine a The Black Satans music video but in space.

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Acausal Intrusion – Panpsychism Review

Acsual Intrusion seemed initially somewhat interesting. Their style of Dissodeath seemed to have an odd influence from the Brutal Death Metal realm, even if only in the production values, most notably the snare. Nulitas, the debut, was exciting on some level, but it never managed to worm itself into my rotation, and in hindsight, I must admit that the issues being present in this newest album have been foreshadowed right from the start. Homeopathic levels of creativity make Goat a dull boy.

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Massen – Gentle Brutality Review

A hazard of venturing into deeper waters of dissonance and the more extreme ends of Metal is that these genres have a hard time impressing on that end as they have to balance melody and heaviness. Despite this I still enjoy melody, groove and selectively catchy material but drift away from things that mix in overt aspects of Pop melody. Bands like Massen are instantly fighting an uphill battle for my interest, then. But impressively, this Belarus duo bring some serious skill to the format. Massenive skill.

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Nuclear Power Trio – Wet Ass Plutonium Review

A big part of the DNA of your average Shred band nowadays is inspired by the “Big Dick Lick” Shredders of the 80s. The Satrianis, Gambales and Vais of the world are the usual prototypes of this sound, but even more recently, guitar nerds (myself included) have been smitten by the wave of late 70s/early 80s Japanese Fusion Guitarists, including the race car aesthetics of Cassiopeia and the more laid back attitude of faux-Brasilian Surfer Boy Masayoshi Takanaka – a favorite in the house of Goat. High Octane Sega Genesis Metal.

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