When it comes to blackened death metal, a band needs to stand out from the rest of the crowd if it’s going to impress people given how saturated the subgenre has become in recent years. Enter Hadit. Will this Italian band travel far, or be swallowed by the blackened death metal hole?
Read moreCosmo’s Favorite Albums of 2023
The Goat Review presents an annual special: Cosmo’s Favorite Albums of 2023. Find out what our black metal loving writer enjoyed in 2023.
Read moreThis Week in Metal, 2023 Week 41
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Stortregn, Baring Teeth, Afterbirth, Manbryne, and Vertebra Atlantis, you can do that too!
Read moreVertebra Atlantis – A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime Review
This year, Gramaglia has released the follow-up Vertebra Atlantis album, A Dialogue With the Eeriest Sublime. Combining harsh, gnarled riffs and hypnotic dreamscapes, this specific blend of Progressive Death Metal may just be his magnum opus. This album is not afraid to show some real backbone, so make sure you don’t leave it at the bottom of the ocean.
Read moreEsoctrilihum – Astraal Constellations of the Majickal Zodiac Review
Esoctrilihum return with another exhausting opus through the cosmos, and intriguing our resident bat, Cosmo. Is this enough to slake his thirsts, or will he be trapped in the cosmos for eternity?
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