Tardigrade Inferno – Burn the Circus Review

There are moments of clarity on Burn the Circus that show hints of potential. “Clockwork God”, for example, is an early highlight. Keyboards that sound like circus organs are used heavily, and it works, along with the frankly great riffs present. When Tardigrade Inferno lean into riffwriting, it shows their penchant for writing groovy, fun riffs. But in the end, will we find Cosmo nailed to the Ferris Wheel?

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Vertebra Atlantis – A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime Review

This year, Gramaglia has released the follow-up Vertebra Atlantis album, A Dialogue With the Eeriest Sublime. Combining harsh, gnarled riffs and hypnotic dreamscapes, this specific blend of Progressive Death Metal may just be his magnum opus. This album is not afraid to show some real backbone, so make sure you don’t leave it at the bottom of the ocean.

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