Scuttlegoat just knew Chronicles of Lunacy would be good, and it led him to almost being resigned to it — “I was not excited or looking forward to it, I simply accepted that it would be good”. Oh, the drum performance! Beating some sense into your liking…
Read moreOpeth – The Last Will and Testament Review
Make Åkerfeldt growl again” (#MÅGA). This is the premise on which The Goat Review makes its firmest political stance.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 47
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Iniquitous Savagery and Gigan, you can do that too! We got death metal on speed dial at The Goat Review!
Read moreGigan – Anomalous Abstractigate Infinitessimus Review
Gigan have crafted one hell of a technical death metal album, with an extra emphasis on technical riff craft and song composition, rather than a flurry of notes flung the listener’s way in a masturbatory ode to self-excess. More brain, less bludgeon.
Read moreIniquitous Savagery – Edifice of Vicissitudes Review
“The vibes are right” is not a sufficient review. Unless Scuttlegoat has his way and proves indeed that with enough words, “The vibes are right” is a sufficient review. Come found out if this slab of brutal death metal hits that sweet spot.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 46
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Eldingar, Black Curse, Ploughshare, Veilburner, and Carnosus, you can do that too!
Read moreCarnosus – Wormtales Review
In the spirit of broadening my horizons I decided to dip my toes into melodeath waters. While I am not a huge fan of the genre, there are some standout albums I like. Unfortunately, Bobo found out the melo waters were a lot less worm than expected the hard way.
Read morePloughshare – Second Wound Review
Albums sometimes communicate things to Scuttlegoat before he has even heard them. Sometimes this is done via the promo blurb telling him to be wary. Other times, a combination of album cover, album and track titles will tell him what to expect. While more casual metal listeners often sneer about anything that pushes beyond the 5 minute mark, to Scuttlegoat colossal song lengths might also communicate to seasoned metal listeners like himself that the album at hand is advanced listening or at least making an attempt at being a more profound, distinguished work.
Read moreVeilburner – The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom Review
The number seven often holds special significance in western culture; a significance that goes beyond intra-number cannibalism. Artists have at times tried to transport this mystique to musical composition. As standard Western musical scales already hold seven individual notes, many artists seem to have tried their hand at incorporating the number seven into their rhythmic framework. But has anyone ever tried cutting off its head?
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