Hellripper’s got a new one out, and Cosmo is hoping that he doesn’t fulfill the plight of Icarus and crash into the sea with failed expectations. There’s always a certain level of expectation going into a new album from a beloved band. Let’s hope this doesn’t cause a case of premature eblackulation.
Read moreThy Darkened Shade – Liber Lvcifer II: Mahaprala Review
Ritualistic Black Metal. An instant turn-on for some, an instant “eww, gross” from others. For me, it’s one of my favorite aspects of what Black Metal can be. Thy Darkened Shade has opened its doors once again (after 8 years of nothing save for some splits) with the second part of the grand trilogy Liber Lvcifer. Is it a worthy followup to its predecessor?
Read moreРожь – Всё Review
Рожь (pronounced Rozh) certainly seem competent enough instrumentally and strive to make mood music with some swelling builds. The intent is not to rip and tear like regular black metal but rather to present something that is either epic, sorrowful, atmospheric and/or ethereal.
Read moreDarkthrone – Astral Fortress Review
I consider late era Darkthrone to be more interesting than most of their career. They have been experimenting a lot lately and to decent results. I might even go so far as to say that Old Star is my favorite Darkthrone album after A Blaze in the Northern Sky. Yes, much better than Transilvanian Munchies.
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