Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball
Another year, another new Esoctrilihum album. At this point, it could be considered an annual occurrence, since Asthâghul, the only person behind this project, has released an album every year since 2017, sometimes pumping out two a year. Esocthrilledium?
Some albums require the help from a friend. The harrowing dissonance and existential deathly throes of Ingurgitating Oblivion's newest offering required such assistance from a mysterious figure named Scoopmeister.... which all begs the question, who up Ingurgitatin' they Oblivion?
Anti-Peat's Perplexing Positions
One of the joys of reviewing is forcing yourself to distill how you truly feel about a piece of art. The more complicated your initial feelings, the more fun the review is. As such, I should note the first words I spoke about Blighted Eye's full length debut, Agony's Bespoke, were that it was "all foreplay no climax". So, did it eventually hit the right note for Peat?