A standard opening for a reviewer who isn’t sure how to start a review is to talk about the band’s promo promises and how accurate they are. Texan duo Mythologik proclaim that Blood in the Sky features a mix of melodic blackened death metal musical tendencies with aggressive/soaring vocals like 80s thrash metal. That promise prompted me to pick it up as it felt like an interesting twist to a genre I listen to a lot of. Let me tell you right now, that description is pretty much on the money.
The qualifier comes because Mythologik have some of those 80s thrash metal tendencies in the music too. All music is written and played by Bryan Eckermann, and when you listen to songs like “Lord Death”, you know he is very familiar with the 80s thrash metal scene. It also features a surprisingly serene solo counterpoint the aggression, complete with prominent bass. One of my favorite things about Blood in the Sky is how each individual song can feel expansive and varied in its run time. Unfortunately, this plays against Blood in the Sky too. When every track runs the gamut of Mythologik‘s touchstones — thrashy aggression, Death-esque melodies, a touch of At The Gates — they all start to sound the same. There are moments that defy this, like the post metal tinged “Fallen Empire”, but they disappear in the blurring of it all. The decision to stick mostly to a mid-paced tempo and make songs over four and a half minutes doesn’t help either. Blood in the Sky would hugely benefit from an interlude or a three minute ripper just to cleanse the palate. As it is, the album just doesn’t retain my interest all the way through.
It is a big shame to say all of this as Mythologik are talented and have interesting ideas. The mix of Bryan Eckermann‘s musical virtuosity and Joe Gregory‘s expressively angry vocals really works. I had high expectations for this after the first few songs but those didn’t last. I believe Mythologik might have a big album in them down the line but Blood in the Sky isn’t it. Sometimes, much as I wish otherwise, the sum doesn’t live up to its parts.