A.L.N has until now built a fascinating tool-set of sounds with his Blackened Doom Drone project Mizmor. Albums like Cairn and Yodh stand out as unique for their ability to mix genres that one could think should be at odds with each other. Though the loss of faith has fueled these journeys, should we still place our faith in Mizmor?
Read moreSacrenoir – Comme des Revenants Parmi les Ruines Review
Touted by the label as being a mix of various second wave bands, such as Darkthrone and Gorgoroth, this is an album that promises a throwback to the 90s with its icy style of black metal. It seems that 30 years on, the ice has melted.
Read morePutridity – Greedy Gory Gluttony Review
BDM as a genre is less of a monolith than most people think and there are nuances, and it is perfectly possible that the style of BDM that Putridity play doesn’t really connect with me all that much. This new EP, Greedy Gory Gluttony, is supposed to be a stroll through the past and showcase some of the best material Putridity have to offer. Not Greedy Gory and Gluttonous enough for this Goat?
Read moreThe Anchoret – It All Began With Loneliness Review
The Anchoret squanders their potential for enjoyment by sounding both too much like Opeth and not enough like Opeth. It is baffling to Croque that a lot of the bands that form to make Progressive music decide on taking on an established sound of how this genre “should” sound like—like Opeth that is! Opeth!
Read moreTombstalker – Age of Darkness Review
Need to stalk smaller tombs before they can reach the big leagues.
Read moreÓreiða – The Eternal Review
Cosmo tries to get lost in an Icelandic black metal forest but keeps finding the pesky road again.
Read moreInferion – Inequity Review
If you’re going to viking, you actually have to be a viking.
Read moreHaken – Fauna Review
Emerging from their recent affair with djent, Haken are reaching back to their tried and true progressive metal style that graced albums like The Mountain and Affinity, with their new album Fauna. You will find plenty of synth led shenanigans that remind of the early Haken albums. Forget the flora, this is all about the fauna!
Read moreUlthar – Helionomicon Review
Ulthar impressed me mightily with the release of Providence in 2020, an album that felt unhinged and slightly chaotic but that still kept the momentum up with plenty of ideas. Fast forward to the current year and Ulthar announces that they are releasing not one, but two follow-ups to their sophomore album. Was this bold decision worth the wait?
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