From groovy rhythms to never-ending joy in the darkest riffs, Purulence Gushing from the Coffin feels like a celebration of death metal’s rotten core. The pacing of the tracks ensures no moment overstays its welcome, a rare achievement in this style. Praise gushing from the death metal loving bear.
Read moreMourn the Light / High Priest / Ice Howl / Archdruid – Split Review
Ah, the split. The underappreciated release that can highlight potential up-and-comers, or showcase multiple bands that don’t bring anything interesting to the table. Sometimes, a split gets released and reveals the best of a band’s material. So where does this four-way split land? Pick your player.
Read moreBlood Oath – Lost in an Eternal Silence Review
Opening with a trippy, almost psychedelic intro, Blood Oath admittedly take their time in getting the listener hooked. With what is essentially an intro track, “Beyond the Dimensional Gates” does a good job in setting up the stage for the rest of the album rather than impress with technical prowess that the remaining tracks do. Can Cosmo be saved from a dry-pants-September?
Read moreThis Week in Metal, 2023 Week 37
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Tomb Mold, Altarage, Bekor Qilish, Feral, Crawl, Ôros Kaù, and Undergang, you can do that too!
Read moreUndergang – De syv stadier af fordærv Review
This short release contains seven prime cuts of Undergang, clocking in at a tight 21 minutes. If you’ve listened to this band before, specifically Misantropologi, then this EP feels like a direct continuation of that album. Take a listen, don’t let the meat spoil.
Read moreTorture Rack – Primeval Onslaught
Torture Rack are in the lineage of bands like Undergang for sure. Their music has a slight hardcore bent and ultimately just revolves around beating people up aurally. Itching for a good beating?
Read moreSpectral Voice / Undergang – Spectral Voice / Undergang Split Review
Caveman Death Metal feels dime-a-dozen nowadays, with many up and coming bands deciding to pursue this filth-encrusted style. But none of them do it quite as well as the filthy Danish kings themselves, Undergang. Here they’ve teamed up with American Death Doom cave-dwellers Spectral Voice in a surprise shadow-dropped split release—crouching caveman, hidden riff.
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