Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Metalligator's Chomping Commentary
I can hear the seeds of Obsidian Tide’s voice forming on The Grand Crescendo. That is not to say that the influences cannot be clearly heard on the album. On the contrary, the soft/heavy dynamic and transitions lean heavily on Opeth still, sometimes even sounding like direct quotes. Prog Monday, anyone?
Scuttle Goat's Curmudgeonly Critiques
Atmosphere in Wayfarer’s world is a consequence of understanding the history of the genres they decided to meld, rather than relying on samples or insisting on flavor where there is none, like so many Black Metal artists tend to do. Take a sip of American Gothic.
I fail to believe that someone could have made an album like this and still be willing to release it, but incompetence goes a long way. The music may be as questionable as the mullet but rest assured, the sharpness of the sword will lure you in.
The Howling Silence is definitely very easy to listen to. The material grooves and very little about it is inoffensive. Safe to say, this Warcrab will not leave you shell-shocked.
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball
The year is now 2023, and in the year of the purple castle, Xoth have erected one of their own in Exogalactic. Will this cosmic reign make all other castles turn lavender with envy?