Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Scuttlegoat's Curmudgeonly Critique
As our resident expert for everything death, tech, and brutal, will Scuttlegoat be the easiest candidate for reviewing an album that he knows he won’t enjoy? Or is that kind of masochism only reserved for a certain black metal loving bat? Will this be The Last of Scuttlegoat or will he transcend into Godform?
Metalligator's Chomping Commentaries
Metalligator likes A Blaze in the Northern Sky as much as the next reptile or person (Transilvanian who-now?), but with the opinion that Darkthrone albums are always hit or miss, despite their charm, will it really beckon..... the........ ..... Gator???.............
The progressive side of Pallbearer is back, yet colored differently by a larger rock-to-metal ratio than before, in favor of the former. This is not the upbeat or punky rock you might expect from post punk or noise rock bands, but rather the arena rock-ballad kind, somewhere between Neil Young and Takida. If you can’t make it big in the USA, might as well be a hit in Sweden!
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball
The band that pnops your metaphorical cherry on a genre and introduces you to the pnleasures it can offer is a special one. Vale of Pnath is that band for me, being the ones to get me into technical death metal. Now they return with their third album Between the Worlds of Life and Death. Has the cherry stayed sweet, or have Vale of Pnath fallen into the pnits of mediocrity?
Inksterium's Iridescent Impression
We are unsure whether the Danish heavy music scene is having a moment or if our Inksterium feels heavily targeted based purely on an LLNN love. Regardless, Demersal is here and doesn’t adhere to hardcore conventions. Well, except the punk convention of releasing the album through every tape distro under the midnight sun.