Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Scuttlegoat's Curmudgeonly Critique
In Cancer Christ’s warped denomination, our boys in blue are very much despised by the lord, Jesus legitimizes his war crimes by the size of his genitalia and the death penalty applies mostly to those of the ruling class. Satire has to hurt and Cancer Christ understand this—it is time to take off the velvet gloves. DO YOU WANNA READ A GREAT FUFUFUCKING REVIEW!
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball
So, who are Saevus Finis? With members sporting names like Sangvis Aestvs, it’s hard to say. What do they play? The promo sheet mentions, effectively, “if you like death metal, you’ll like these guys”—noting Immolation, Incantation, Morbid Angel, Viande, and Maere as touch-stones. New year, new you: resolve to like death metal, damnit.
Metalligator's Chomping Commentaries
Tired of searching that progressive metal tag on Bandcamp and finding a djent in your soup? Well, here’s something metalicious for you (or is it?).
Alluvial sport a sound that reminds me of Dyscarnate’s With All Their Might if they would also play around with some slams. The four songs on Death Is But A Door cover some different ground in its 17 minutes. “Bog Dweller” has some very intricate drum fills that hint at the band’s past prog chops. Chop and slam!
Trans-dimensional Being of Extreme Punctuation's Time-skipping Tautology
With a woman in a robe on the cover stretching air and red light, it’d be easy to dismiss Candela as just another longing metalcore album. And while there are shades of that in riff assembly, Svdestada (a stylized version of sudestada which simply means “southeast”), hailing from the burgeoning punk scene of Spain, self-describes as blackened crust. We’ll take our patatas bravas golden brown though…