Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Bobo's Brainless Bearing
Bleed on My Teeth is a relentless assault on the senses, a sonic maelstrom that threatens to consume all in its path. British band Adorior's third full-length is a masterclass in chaos and destruction, with vocals from Melissa Gray aka Jaded Lungs that defy reason and convention. Ride the red wave.
Alice F's Agonized Angle
Deathgrind is a genre that has a lot of sonic variation, despite what someone unfamiliar with it may expect. Vile Species drink from Repulsion's well, with audible guitars and a focus on fast, nasty riffs with just the right amount of thrash and black metal influence. Will their album live up to the striking cover art and title?