Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Anti-Peat's Perplexing Positions
You see, Putred’s very name suggests all the adjectives I’ll be wanting for their brand of death metal. Words like filthy, nasty, foul, and gruesome. Let’s decompose.
Music for staring balefully at deserts is music for staring balefully at deserts, wherever you are. Yet those Middle Eastern accents are prominent, and so too is a certain stoner drone doom vibe. Wyatt E are wearing a lot of hats here. And it’s glorious.
Bobo's Brainless Bearing
Besna are one of the bands that don’t need a pair of Slovakia-issued rose-tinted glasses to enjoy. Their latest album, Krásno, combines post-metal with a very interesting form of progressive metal. And it’s all interspersed with excellent lyrics that are an unobtrusive but very clear testimony to today’s rotting society. Together we rot!
Metalligator's Chomping Commentary
I checked out Uulliata Digir on a whim, one cold Monday evening while half asleep from work. Little of what I was hearing was taken in because of this, but the vocals pierced through the tired mist of my blue-collar existence. Suddenly, Croque woke up.