When a band from an underground label signs on with a bigger label in the metal scene, there are usually concerns that the music produced on this bigger label will be attempts at making it more accessible to a wider audience. Sometimes these concerns are realized (Bewitcher) and other times these concerns are unfounded (Imperial Triumphant). In any case, the latter is the situation with Kostnatění. Never ones to comfortably play one specific blend of twisting, dissonant black metal, they migrated from Mystiskaos (which thankfully did not go under, as many in the scene were fearing) to the much bigger Willowtip Records. Can sophomore album Úpal deliver what people have come to expect, or is this yet another case of the dreaded sophomore slump?
Right off the bat, it’s clear that Kostnatění have expanded on the efforts of their previous EP Oheň hoří tam, kde padl, which centered around Turkish folk music filtered through a blackened lens. Úpal takes this and instead of Turkish folk songs, delivers seven sun-bleached tracks focusing on heat and the human psyche. All of these compositions tastefully add in desert and at times almost spaghetti western themes starting with opener “Řemen”. The album becomes more of a twisting, spiraling descent into chaos immediately afterwards. Many more interesting moments pop up throughout, such as the almost monastic feel of “Opál”, the guitar freakouts on “Skrýt se před Bohem”, and the almost second wave furiosity of closing track “Slunce svázáno s krvácející Zemí”. All told, this album is both your summer jam and a bout of heat stroke induced psychosis combined in one. It’s not for everyone, but those who crave the more inaccessible side of their black metal will love this. A sophomore effort that defies the slump, I will be eagerly watching where this promising act goes next. Who knows, they might expand to even more world music themes on the next release.