Putridity is a group with some accolades, depending on who you ask. According to rateyourmusic.com, the band’s 2015 Output Ignominious Atonement is the 7th best rated Brutal Death Metal album of the 2010’s. There is nothing wrong with that album and I would argue it even is a solid outing of the genre, but I would probably not rank the album particularly high. BDM as a genre is less of a monolith than most people think and there are nuances, and it is perfectly possible that the style of BDM that Putridity play doesn’t really connect with me all that much. This new EP, Greedy Gory Gluttony, is supposed to be a stroll through the past and showcase some of the best material Putridity have to offer, capping it off with two new songs and a Cannibal Corpse cover.
Ultimately, the EP showcases very well how I just don’t connect with what Putridity are doing. The performances are tight, but ultimately lack nuance. On the other hand, the band just doesn’t go hard enough into the caveman direction to activate the neanderthal sections of my brain. The band plays material that is challenging on a technical level, I am sure, but this technicality is in many ways lost on the listener. The material sounds uniform and even though guitar parts clearly utilize different techniques and are constructed around different ideas, they do little to differentiate themselves from each other on a sonic level. This is more apparent in a year such as this one, where Brutal Death Metal is actually performing well for once. Compared to bands like Nithing, Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship or 7.H Target, Putridity have very little that sets it apart from their peers. Worse, they don’t really show a development, sounding rather similar throughtout their career. If I want classic BDM, I don’t quite know why I would pick them, either.