This Week In Metal, 2024 Week 39

Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!

Scuttlegoat's Curmudgeonly Critique

Kanonenfieber_Die Urkatastrophe
Kanonenfieber – Die Urkatastrophe Century Media Records ~ Blackened Death Metal

Kanonenfieber barely qualify for the blackened death metal moniker. Their interpretation of war is one of pathos, bittersweet glory, and they express it in a matter both melodic and anthemic. And they sound surprisingly similar to Amon Amarth. Nothing like a good Viking raid in the trenches.

Metalligator's Chomping Commentary

Unto Others - Never, Neverland 01
Unto Others - Never, Neverland Century Media Records ~ Gothic Heavy Metal

Unto Others have put out their third full length effort – Never, Neverland, a title that immediately brings an uneasy connotation by reminding me of Metallica and their self-titled album. You could say that it’s a subtle telegraphing of the direction Unto Others have taken with this album, as more than half the songs lean toward the softer side of their style. Could the peril of these new developments be sad but true? Dananananana

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