Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Alice F's Agonized Angle
Maybe you're back at work with dredging feelings of longing for the weekend, yet again. Do not despair! Whores. latest album War. will make you feel like you're stumbling out of a bar. Leave the Monday blues behind!
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball
I haven’t heard bands worshiping Unleashed, specifically Across the Open Sea era before, so that was a nice surprise upon pressing play and listening to the first proper track after the intro. However, this is not a short album, and while the music is largely serviceable, not everything works.
Scuttlegoat's Curmudgeonly Critique
2022's Timewave Zero served a synth-oriented ambient (zero death metal) work that felt more like a proof of concept than an album fully formed. Simple and not particularly deep synth textures could not feed what deathheads craved, and for synth enthusiasts, Timewave Zero had nothing to offer that could not be found much better elsewhere. In hindsight, that album appears to have been a necessary stepping stone. It's not out of nowhere that Blood Incantation has called forth Absolute Elsewhere — OPEN THE FUCKING GATE.
Inksterium's Iridescent Impression
While previous Dawnwalker albums have explored the realms of “post” and prog, The Unknowing shifts into a more enigmatic and spectral realm. Norgate’s vocals, guitar and keys intertwine with an eclectic mix of contributions, discreet elements like the flute which give it a faint Jethro Tull vibe without ever feeling derivative. Call. Forth. The jazz flute. And adventure into the unknown.