Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveballs
It’s safe to say Hulder exploded in popularity since signing to 20 Buck Spin in 2022 for their EP release, The Eternal Fanfare. Their debut album, released in 2021, Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry, didn’t leave a huge desire for Cosmo to revisit, though. As for this newest Verses in Oath… Hulder your horses, it’s about to get saucy!
Metalligator's Chomping Commentaries
As variety is the name of the game, you never know what sonic territory Wolfe explores on a new album until you press play. Will the direction of She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She (no this isn’t a typo) strike Croque’s fancy?
Anti-Peat's Perplexing Positions
There is probably a limit to how much love can be shown to a band that is so obviously reminiscent of those that came before but Secrets push at that limit. So what is the secret to Secrets’ success?