Wilt impressed me with their second full length back in 2018, titled Ruin. 5 years later, they are back with third “full length” (I say this in quotation marks due to how short this album is) Huginn. Their specific blend of atmospheric black metal captivated me, so I was fairly excited for this one. Unfortunately, it did not deliver what I was hoping for. The biggest problem with this release is how similar sounding the songs are. This is typical for the style of atmoblack, but there’s no emotion here. Each of the three songs “Cloaked in Ash” ,”1831″, and “Resilience” could be interpreted as mere outtakes of the previous album, as this does not feel like a complete album to me, due to how indistinguishable the songs are from each other. I listen to this new album and find myself relatively baffled by it, questioning why it’s even an album in the first place, when these songs could either have been worked on more or if it would have been better to call this release an EP. Hopefully Wilt returns to the quality I know they can produce on full length #4, whenever that releases, because there’s certainly none of that emotive, captivating aspect here. Truly a disappointing release.