This Week In Metal, 2024 Week 20

Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!

Metalligator's Chomping Commentary

Inter Arma - New Heaven 01
Inter Arma - New Heaven Relapse Records ~ Dissonant Death Metal / Sludge Metal / Americana

Since diving into their body of work, fantastic experiments like the one-song prog excursion The Cavern speak of a restless band with a thirst for exploring. Both the hazy desert feel of Sulphur English and the at times show-off nature of The Cavern are important to New Heaven, as it turns out. New Heaven shocks from its first seconds by throwing its most dissonant foot forward in a jarring and feverish outburst. Welcome to dissoheaven.

Alice F's Agonized Angle

Folterkammer - Weibermact 01-1
Folterkammer - Weibermacht Century Media Records ~ Symphonic Black Metal

Now we're not sure what is disturbing about a man whose face is being sat on unless one subscribes to the idea that sex is missionary only and only for the purpose of procreation. Here at Goat Review, we support lifestyles of all positions and indiscretions. Alice will let you know if you need to bust out your safe word for Weibermacht.

Anti-Peat's Perplexing Position

infestus - entzweiung 01
Infestus - Entzweiung Independent ~ Black Metal

Entzweiung is a mix of black metal and post metal that seeks to find the grandest, coldest ideas from both. The word "brooding" springs to mind repeatedly. The result is a set of songs that gradually but surely build into soul-scraping fury — let them infest your ears.

Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball

moisson livide - sent emperi gascon - 01
Moisson Livide - Sent Empèri Gascon Antiq ~ Melodic Black / Folk Metal

Folk metal is typically one of the more repellent genres of metal according to Cosmo's tastes. But will Moisson Livide, with their more extreme edge to what is normally very power metal-forward folk metal be able to melt his blackened bat heart?

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