This Week In Metal, 2024 Week 4

Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!

Metalligator's Chomping Commentaries

Cognizance - Phantazein 01
Cognizance - Phantazein Willowtip Records ~ Technical Death Metal

For us mere mortals, finding something to like in the realms of tech can be like finding a riff in a harsh noise album. Will Cognizance be music to Metalligator’s ears?

Narzissus - Akt III Erlösung 01
Narzissus – Akt III: Erlösung Shape of Storms Records ~ Melodic Black Metal / Progressive Metal

Metalligator had no clue what to expect when looking at the odd album cover for Akt III: Erlösung. Some kind of raw black metal produced into harsh noise? Austrian one-man act Narzissus turns out to be a neighbor of that genre: melodic black metal, but not any kind of meloblack. Anti-Nazi meloblack. Yeah, that’s right. Fuck Nazis, no disclaimer here!

The Oldest House - A Worm Through Time 01
The Oldest House - A Worm Through Time I, Voidhanger Records ~ Sludge Metal / Doom Metal / Progressive Metal

The promo sheet states that the sole creator of this EP, A.M. (what’s in a name?), conceived the music as one long piece that is supposed to be like a “huge wall of static that is creeping slowly towards you.” Fortunately for Metalligator, he did not do a good job of that. Wait, or did he? Guess you have to read to find out.

Cosmo's Chaotic Curveball

Resin Tomb - Cerebral Purgatory - 01
Resin Tomb - Cerebral Purgatory Transcending Obscurity Records ~ Sludge / Death Metal / Grind

What’s the result when you combine a dash of sludge metal, a cup of death metal, a pinch of hardcore, and a tablespoon of grind? Resin Tomb—some of the stompiest deathgrind this side of the Pacific Ocean. Order now and it comes with a free slotted spoon!

Inksterium's Iridescent Impression

Junta - Junta
Junta - Junta Sentient Ruin Laboratories ~ Raw Hardcore

Junta prefer to use their music as a weapon of mass education, thus aligning with an aim beyond conventional entertainment. Their journey is not just about the music they release; it’s a deliberate exploration into the intersection of raw energy, political consciousness, and a commitment to a deeper purpose. No drone shit—BARE KNUCKLE PUNK!!

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