Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Scuttlegoat's Curmudgeonly Critique
If the only way metal can innovate is to stop being metal altogether, it will go the same way as mainstream rock—it will die. Chapel of Disease are not Imagine Dragons, of course. But they are radioactive... or, erm... hard rock. Yeah, that's the word.
Metalligator's Chomping Commentaries
The severely titled Total Destruction of the Entire Universe approaches the genre with a metal mindset somewhat divorced from the industrial metal scene, meaning Death Killer do not sound like an industrial band wanting to do monotone metal, rather a metal band wanting to do weird industrial. Missing out on this album would be a grave mistake.
Metalligator was instantly apprehensive but curious to see whether Eternal Storm have improved their songwriting. Starting out with the aptly named “An Abyss of Unreason”, the band puts its longest foot forward with an almost fourteen minute long track. Can he possibly weather this storm?
Inksterium's Iridescent Impression
With their debut, Aftryk, Danish band Vægtløs promise a mix of power and delicacy, grip and release, packed within four tracks that comfortably traverse the realms of black metal, post metal, and post rock. And though its namesake translates to “imprint,” does Aftryk do enough for you to remember its cause?
Anti-Peat's Perplexing Positions
[This submission has been channeled forth from a mysterious being once known as Peat. Its conjuring is almost complete, and its final form will emerge in time. Everdying too took time, releasing their first EP in 2009 and are only now releasing their full-length debut, Dimensions of Mortal Frailty. One of these waits is worth more than the other.]