Our This Week in Metal post collects our thoughts on music released in or around this week in the music world. We cover mostly metal, but we consider other genres to allow our writers poseur flexibility. Follow us on Instagram too!
Scuttle Goat's Curmudgeonly Critiques
Tech Death used to be an arms race of dishing out what some might consider too many notes in too little time. Nowadays a lot of Tech Death has lost that aspect in what I suspect is a pursuit of greener (read: more profitable) pastures and a style of Tech that is basically a heightened form of melodic Death Metal seems to be the norm. Neurectomy make an attempt at reviving this classic style of Tech Death. Overwrought or overwritten?
Cosmo's Chaotic Curveballs
My expectations were very high for this album, as they would be for any follow up in this band’s catalog. And yet again Convocation prove to be one of the best bands in the current Funeral Doom scene. So how exactly did this album leave Cosmo moonstruck?
Metalligator's Chomping Commentary
Bath House> is a rawer experience that leans less on the synths, although they are still there – meaner, producing uneasy sounds that often recalls a wounded animal whining out its pain in the distance. The mood the combined elements strike is overall good and there are some hefty highlights here and there. Will Croque throw this album out with the bath water?
The concept that the band might want to re-engineer and partially re-record such a well realized album before it is even a year old is at once intriguing and baffling. Can the deformity go even more adrift? Let’s see how well Nightmarer float with the anomalies.
Melodic Death Metal is truly a mixed bag of a genre. You often know what you will get when you press play. For every Carcass, The Black Dahlia Murder and Amorphis, there are thousands of At the Gates, In Flames and Insomnium clones. Are Dyssebeia also gardeners of eternal imitation?